Tag Archives: FNRP

Deschanels & El Día de Independencia de Honduras

Hola todos

Here is an update to tell you about the last couple of days in Tegucigalpa.

Thursday was Independence Day in Honduras. On 15th September 1821, after a couple of centuries of looting the land of its resources, Honduras and other countries in Central America finally sent the Spanish packing. Then again, the Spanish did give them back a big nice clock in Comayagua, the former capital, so they can’t shed too many tears (can they?). Every year this is celebrated with a parade around the main cities, aeroplanes flying over the city, marches, people celebrating, and it ends with a big cheer at the stadium. It is of course a national holiday and many people get a day off to watch. I went into Casa Alianza in the morning to help some kids with their homework. Unfortunately, this is when the better parts of the festival take place. I just got to see it closing down in the afternoon.

First I went to the Central Square in Tegus. There was a gathering for the FNRP party, who are the socialist party in Honduras (http://resistenciahonduras.net/), the main opposition of the present President, Pepe Lobo, who were ousted in the coup two years ago. There were many people with t-shirts supporting Mel Zelaya and waving large red and black flags. It was a great sight. I was about to take some pictures when a guy with a beard (hate to say it, but he looked very much like a terrorist in Afghanistan) came up to me, pretending to be friendly, but was really f–king annoying. He kept asking me with an insane smile what I was doing there, but every time I opened my mouth, he talked over me, asking me to speak English, then interrupting me when I did, saying he didn’t understand my English (he’d lived in USA), so I would revert to Spanish for him and he would then tell me not to. He was on drugs or something, because he put me on the phone to his wife. He then asked me if I was a spy, because he thought I was a yank and had connections with right-sided America. I told him about my work with Casa Alianza and that I certainly wasn’t a spy. He then grabbed my hand and stroked his beard with it, saying thank you repeatedly. I instantly wanted to clean it. My hand that is, but his beard could have done with a wash too. He then started going on about how he’d been arrested so many times by the police here. Then, I could see people taking their flags down and drifting away. As was the man with the beard who now seemed a bit disinterested in me. I then realised that the man probably kept me preoccupied so I wouldn’t take photos. I think they really did think I was a spy. It’s a massive shame because it was a lovely photo opportunity. I was a bit f–ked off to be honest.

I then made my way to the stadium. Carlos, the father I’m living with, told me about “las chavas” (the girls) in the parade who don’t wear much clothes but dance, well, kind of slutty to be honest. “La rispa”, the vulgar dance, they sometimes call it. Many men like to come just  to look at such performances, but when the girls are only 13 or so, it’s a bit wrong. No, in fact, it’s very wrong. There was one man who seemed to like it quite a lot, and that was Pepe Lobo, the President, who was filmed “grinding” himself against a poor adolescent girl. Pepe Lobo looks a bit like Shrek and Avram Grant who used to coach Chelsea, Portsmouth and West Ham. If it were David Cameron, it would have probably caused a bit more of stir (probably in Cameron’s trousers). It’s not really going to cause much of problem for Pepe Lobo because most of the country already know he’s a bit corrupt, so being a perv too is just another string to his bow. Probably not her proudest moment (or maybe it is, I’ve never met her), but there were many more middle-aged men cheering them on in the stadium, wolf-whistling them. If I’d known, I probably wouldn’t have gone. I’m going to include a few photos. It might seem slightly hypocritical of me after saying what I have about the disgusting perverts who go there and there I am taking pictures. But don’t worry, they’re not dodgy. They’re just of the parade.

Anyway, the day after I went to see Deschanels, which is Andy and Chris Padgett’s band (two of the brothers who I briefly lived with in Linaca/Tatumbla) at a bar called Bull Bar in Blvd Morazan. Bull Bar is stupidly hard to find. There are no signs at all and it’s inside a restaurant called Tre Fratellis. The band was fantastic, playing a mix of catchy rock indie tunes written by Andy Padgett himself. They sing in English and I was impressed. I often like to wind Andy up and tell him he’s ugly and if he’s shite, I’ll throw bottles at him like a good ol’ friendly gringo that I am. He takes it in his stride, the young Tatumblan. Not a place to go stage diving though. In front of them was a 15ft drop on to the restaurant. It was nice seeing the brothers again, who filled me in on the Padgett family. It’s good to hear that granny Mormon is still live, well and as bitter as ever. Some people just don’t change. Anyway, I’m going to include the website of Deschanel and a few pictures of the evening. I hope you like them. http://www.myspace.com/deschanels.